Gain benefits like free access, free classes, and professional exposure by volunteering!
Block Time Volunteers
Block Time volunteers commit to a shift of four hours per week at a regularly scheduled time, assisting a Fab Lab staff person who supervises their time and tasks. Examples include lab volunteering, reception, and manning the tools. This is generally the starting point for future Geeks in Residence.
Geeks In Residence
Geeks In Residence are volunteers who commit to a greater role in the community, often teaching paid classes or taking on development work. This is an invite-only program, but we are always looking for new Geeks! Benefits include complete access to the lab and equipment, along with free classes.
Special Event Volunteers
Volunteer roles usually include setup, teardown, greeting guests, security, fire-safety, art monitoring, and registering people for classes. Volunteering at events usually means YOU WILL NOT HAVE TIME TO WATCH THE SHOW.
Youth & Community Program Volunteers
Field trips, Meetups, hackathons, special youth workshops and open houses at Fab Lab require volunteers with previous experience successfully interacting with youth. Responsibilities include helping students with their projects, assisting the instructor with set-up and clean-up, helping youth with activities, greeting them at check-in, and escorting them in groups to watch studio demonstrations.
Interested in volunteering but want more information?
Please contact us at Rob@UMakers.org