Meet the Neurotoxins!
On Saturday, January 7th UMakers hosted the FIRST Robotics Competition team from Upland High School called the Neurotoxins!

The FRC team is comprised of high school kids from grades 9-12 whose goal is to build a robot in 6 weeks and use this robot to complete a series of tasks.
FIRST Robotics Competition ( theme this year is called STEAMWorks and is inspired by the steampunks.
Anyhow the team gathered at UMakers and developed some initial strategies to help them win the competition. The team was fueled by Dunkin Donuts of Upland, water, soft drinks and coffee.

About an hour in ideas started flowing....

Team members looked things up and challenged assumptions...

Team Mentor and sponsor engineer John Abusham from NRG Corp helped the team work through their ideas....

By noon-time, 1 pm the team had created several strategies for their robot and planned their next steps towards the build.

6 weeks from now the Upland HS Neurotoxins will be competing at the FIRST Robotics Challenge. If you want to help sponsor the team, contact the team President Hayden McCarthy. Hayden's email is: